Saturday, September 5, 2009

Declaration of Principles

After long procrastinations and innumerable excuses, here i am doing what I should have done lot earlier - starting off with my blog - MindMeld. The "mind-meld" is a technique for sharing thoughts, experiences, memories, and knowledge with another individual. It usually requires physical contact with a subject. Here I am trying to reach out to other fellow earthlings over the world wide web.

So, how do I start? I'll start off the way Kane did - "Declaration of Principles".
  • My posts shall often be a source of new ideas/opinions.
  • I shalt not crib in my posts.
  • My opinions shall be unbiased and just.

Wish I could keep my thoughts to myself,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep....

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